Entry # 08
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†† Time & Date: 12:02am, 31st of July, 2006
†† Weather: I don't know...
†† Mood: Frustrated
†† Watching: Phone Tag (Link)
†† Listening to: Shizuka na Yoru ni by:Rie Tanaka
†† Reading: Friendster's Bulletin Boards.
†† Quote: " ...there are tags that doesn't need a closing partner..."
†† ~ Ms. Teodoro, Internet & Web Page Dev't Teacher.
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†† And I Wait
†† By: ~3HoursAway
†† Will I see you tonight?
†† Will you visit again when I turn off the light?
†† My arms unfurl, ever welcoming you;
†† My heart awaits, filled with passions anew.
†† Will I see you tonight?
†† Will you whisper soft breaths that unfold the moonlight?
†† My soul awaits, restless for one simple kiss;
†† My mind soars, elating over tastes my lips miss.
†† And I wait,
†† For the dark,
†† To descend.
†† And I wait,
†† For my love,
†† To soar in.
†† And I wait,
†† For his wings,
†† To grin.
†† And I wait,
†† For my dreams,
†† To begin.
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I'm currently at the Internet Lab, with Ms. Teodoro on the helm of the class, teaching all about HTML Tags and the Internet. *sigh* This is what I hate about Letran's Academic System, even if I know what's the lesson already, I still have to sit down through it all. Anyways, I think I just flunked my Digital Electronics practical exam (Damn wires and damn digital trainer...) while my prelim grade on Internet is 89.03%. Both failing marks on my standards. ~_~
So I flunk my examns and complain about the Academic System. Wow. I just realized how ironic that was. Anyways, I'm currently writing a Short Story about true death (Title pending), which is set on Rokugan (The world of the Legend of The Five Rings CCG). I'm going to submit it to DeviantArt's competition two days from now, after getting critiques from my friends. I'm also going to post it here tommorow, so comment on it. ^_^
Final words, I hate my academic life. And to phil> Try the deck out. I'm not stupid enough to play a thieving magpie on a red player without open mana, though I agree that a single copy of Treasure Trove does not meet the deck's hand size requirements. Keep in mind that this is TJ's deck, not mine. I don't like monocolor decks, coz there's always the urge to splash a color. I'm an Izzet Mage remember? And also, I think it looks crap on paper, but works quite well on real life. ^_^
Oh, and the pic above is my car. ^_^ In my dreams. Anyways, that's what I'm going to use in the Need for Speed: Most Wanted Tourney. Looks simple yes? ~_~
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"You earned your name, but that's not enough. Remember your duty."
~ Shohuro Nadare, to his student Bayushi Nissho, True Death By: Me.